Get your psychological profile with the reading of your face.

Alice Koulouris

I’m Alice, a qualified morphopsychologist in Paris. I’ve always wondered what our faces mean.

I’m here to help you put your personality into words.

Discovering your psychological profile means enriching yourself from within.

Why a particular face shape? Why a particular nose?

Morphopsychology answers these questions.

Since 2019, I’ve been working with Janine Maréchalle, a morphopsychologist who teaches the sciences of Louis Corman (1937). With my diploma in hand in 2021, I know myself better and understand those around me better, so why shouldn’t you?

So, what do your cheekbones mean? Your forehead?

Expertise for wellness

Morphopsychology is a human science based on a rigorous method that studies the correlations between facial shapes and personality traits.

It’s a tool that enables us to get to know ourselves better, and to better understand our relationships with others, helping them to discover and develop their potential, whatever their background or origins.

Based on universal biological laws, it is a global, dynamic and non-normative science, whose motto is “not to judge, but to understand”.

Contactez notre cabinet pour obtenir votre profil psychologique.